Inequality and Growth: A Heterogeneous Approach


  • Francesco Grigoli International Monetary Fund, Research Department
  • Evelio Paredes Ministry of Finance of the Dominican Republic
  • Gabriel Di Bella International Monetary Fund



heterogeneity, income inequality, growth, regions, institutional quality, panel VAR


This article tests for cross-country convergence in income inequality and

estimates its impact on growth with a heterogeneous Panel Structural Vector

AutoRegression model, which addresses some empirical challenges plaguing

the literature. We find that income inequality is converging across countries,

and that its impact on growth is heterogeneous. While the median response of

real per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth to income inequality

shocks is negative and significant, at least one fourth of the sample presents a

positive effect. Also, we find evidence that improved institutional frameworks

can reduce the negative effect of income inequality on growth.



How to Cite

Grigoli, F., Paredes, E., & Di Bella, G. (2019). Inequality and Growth: A Heterogeneous Approach. Journal of Income Distribution®, 27(3-4), 18–49.