Pro-Poor Growth Meets Dualistic Development


  • Gary S. Fields Cornell University, Institut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA), United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)



Pro-poor growth, dualistic development, two-sector economy, poverty, axiomatics


Pro-poor growth refers to how incomes change for the poor and for others
when economic growth occurs. Dualistic development refers to three types
of economic growth patterns in a two-sector economy: 1) modern sector
enrichment, 2) traditional sector enrichment, and 3) modern sector
enlargement. The question asked in this article is, what can we say about
the pro-poorness of each of the three types of dualistic development? The
main conclusion I reach is that pro-poor growth works well for the first two
dualistic growth types but runs into some difficulties for the third. To
overcome these problems, I posit some axioms for dualistic development –
particularly, by treating pro-richness and pro-poorness as distinct orderings.


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How to Cite

Fields, G. S. (2022). Pro-Poor Growth Meets Dualistic Development. Journal of Income Distribution®, 31(3-4).

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