

  • John Creedy Victoria University of Wellington
  • S. Subramanian


inequality measurement, inequality conceptualisation, inequality estimation, tax incidence, poverty, welfare


Peter Lambert is without question one of the most outstanding scholars in the world today to have contributed to the field of enquiry broadly referred to as ‘distributional analysis’. The field covers the broad range of problems in the conceptualization, measurement and estimation of inequality, tax incidence, poverty, welfare, and related phenomena, and the implications of research into these issues for the design of policy aimed at enhancing well-being and reducing the burdens of deprivation and disparity. From both positive and normative perspectives, Peter’s work has been of the first importance and highest quality to which any individual scholar could aspire.


Publications by Peter Lambert


Lambert, P.J., and D.S. Poskitt 1983 Stationary Processes In Time Series Analysis: The Mathematical Foundations Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 127 pp.

Lambert, P.J. 1985 Advanced Mathematics For Economists: Static and Dynamic Optimization Oxford: Blackwell 231 pp.; 1995, republished as Advanced Math for Economics Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley–Blackwell.

Hey, J.D., and P.J. Lambert, eds 1987 Surveys In The Economics Of Uncertainty Oxford and New York: Blackwell 232 pp.; 1989 paperback edition 1989.

Lambert, P.J. 1989 The Distribution and Redistribution of Income: A Mathematical Analysis, pp. 302. Oxford: Blackwell 302 pp.; 1993 expanded paperback edition Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.

Lambert, P.J. 1996 La Distribución y Redistribución de la Renta [The Distribution and Redistribution of Income: A Mathematical Analysis] Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Spanish version, with new Foreword, of the expanded 1993 edition of Lambert, P.J. 1989.

Lambert, P.J. 2001 The Distribution and Redistribution of Income Manchester: University Press 302 pp. (major rewrite of Lambert, P.J. 1989, with new chapters on poverty and horizontal inequity).

Lambert, P.J., ed. 2007 Equity: Research on Economic Inequality Volume 15 Oxford UK: Elsevier Science 305 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7623-1450-8.

Parts of Books

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1982 “A new approach to the measurement of the elasticities of federal and state individual income taxes” in Proceedings of 74th Annual Conference of the National Tax Association - Tax Institute of America Chicago: NTA-TIA pp. 35–44.

Lambert, P.J. 1988 “Net fiscal incidence progressivity: some approaches to measurement” in W. Eichhorn (ed.), Measurement in Economics: Theory and Applications of Economic Indices. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag pp. 519–532

Lambert, P.J., and W. Pfähler 1990 “Income tax reform and social welfare” in J.K. Brunner and H.-G. Petersen (eds.), Simulation Models in Tax and Transfer Policy. Frankfurt: Campus pp. 85–98

Lambert, P.J. 1991 “The equity-efficiency trade-off: Breit reconsidered” in P.J.N. Sinclair and M.D.E. Slater (eds.), Taxation, Private Information and Capital. Oxford: Clarendon Press pp. 91–104. This is a reprint of Lambert, P.J. 1990.

Lambert, P.J. 1992 “La valutazione degli impatti redistributivi e dibenessere delle riforme fiscali” Evaluating the redistributive and welfare impacts of tax reforms in L. Bernardi (ed.), Decisioni di Finanza Pubblica e Valutazione delle Riforme Fiscali Bologna: Società Editrice Il Mulino pp. 167–230.

Lambert, P.J. 1993 “The distribution and redistribution of income” in P.M. Jackson (ed.), Current Issues in Public Sector Economics. New York, NY: Macmillan Ch. 9, pp. 200–226.

Lambert, P.J. 1993a “Income tax progression and inequality reduction”, in W.E. Diewert, K. Spremann, and F. Stehling (eds.), Mathematical Modelling in Economics. Berlin: Springer Verlag pp. 260–270.

Lambert, P.J. 1994 “Redistribution through the income tax” in J. Creedy (ed.), Taxation, Poverty and Income Distribution Aldershot: Edward Elgar pp. 1–16; 1994 reprinted, in W. Eichhorn (ed.), Models and Measurement of Welfare and Inequality. Berlin: Springer Verlag pp. 299–315.

Lambert, P.J. 1994a “Measuring progressivity with differences in tax treatment”, in J. Creedy (ed.), Taxation, Poverty and Income Distribution Aldershot: Edward Elgar pp. 17–27.

Lambert, P.J., and J.R. Aronson 1998 “Inequality decomposition analysis and the Gini coefficient revisited” in S.R. Chakravarty, D. Coondoo, and R. Mukherjee (eds.), Quantitative Economics: Theory and Practice (Essays in Honour of Professor N. Bhattacharya. Calcutta: Allied Publishers (for the Indian Statistical Institute) pp. 217–228. Reprint of Lambert, P.J., and J.R. Aronson 1993.

Lambert, P.J. 1999 “Redistributional effects of progressive income taxes” in J. Silber (ed.), Handbook on Income Inequality Measurement Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishing pp. 485–509.

Jenkins, S.P., and P.J. Lambert 1999 “Horizontal inequity measurement: a basic reassessment” in J. Silber (ed.) Handbook on Income Inequality Measurement Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishing pp. 535–553.

Lambert, P.J. 2001 “On the redistributive effect of taxes and benefits” in M. Sattinger (ed.), Income Distribution, Volume III: Income Shares and Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Ch. 29, pp. 553–568. Reprint of Lambert, P.J. 1985a.

Lambert, P.J. 2004 “Equivalence scales, horizontal equity and horizontal inequity” in C. Dagum and G. Ferrari (eds), Household Behaviour, Equivalence Scales, Welfare and Poverty Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag pp. 75–84.

Millimet, D., D. Slottje, and P. J. Lambert 2008 “Inequality aversion, income inequality and social policy in the US: 1947–1998” in G. Betti and A. Lemmi (eds.), Advances on Income Inequality and Concentration Measures London: Routledge Ch. 17, pp. 295–323.

Lambert, P.J. 2011 “Foreword” for J. Deutsch and J. Silber (eds), The Measurement of Individual Well-Being and Group Inequalities: Essays in Memory of Z. M. Berrebi Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Series. Oxon, UK/New York, NY: Routledge p. xxiii.

Lambert, P.J. 2011 “Positional equity and equal sacrifice: design principles for an EU wide income tax?”, in M. Fleurbaey, M. Salles, and J.A. Weymark (eds), Social Ethics And Normative Economics: Essays in

Honour of Serge Christophe Kolm. Springer-Verlag series Studies in Choice and Welfare Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag pp. 241–259.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Subramanian 2020 “Inter-group disparities in the distribution of human development: two apparent conundrums and how we might address them” in E. Chiappero-Martinetti, S. Osmani, and M. Qizilbash (eds), Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 370–391.

Contributions to Journals

Lambert, P.J. 1972 “Characterizing groups by their character tables, I”, Oxford Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 23(4): 427–434.

Lambert, P.J. 1973 “Characterizing groups by their character tables, II”, Oxford Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 24(1): 223–240.

Lambert, P.J. 1974 “Characterizing groups by their character tables, III”, Oxford Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 25(1): 29–40.

Lambert, P.J., and R.N. York 1975 “A new method of data presentation”, West African Journal of Archaeology 5: 213–219.

Lambert, P.J. 1976 “Projective special linear groups in characteristic 2”, Communications in Algebra 4(9): 873–879.

Lambert, P.J. 1977 “A characterization of PSL(4,q), q even, q> 4”, Illinois Journal of Mathematics 21: 255–265.

Lambert, P.J., and J.D. Hey. 1979 “Attitudes to risk”, Economics Letters 2(3): 215–218.

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1979 “Income tax progressivity and revenue growth”. Economics Letters 3(4): 377–380.

Hey, J.D., and P.J. Lambert. 1980 “Relative deprivation and the Gini coefficient: comment”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 95(3): 567–573.

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1980 “Evaluating income tax revenue elasticities”, Economic Journal 90(360): 901–906.

Lambert, P.J. 1980 “Inequality and social choice”, Theory and Decision 12: 395–398.

Turner, R.E., and P.J. Lambert 1981 “Commodity concentration and export earnings instability: a comment”, Economic Journal 91(363): 755–757.

Lambert, P.J., and A.P. Weale 1981 “Equality, risk aversion and contractarian social choice”, Theory and Decision 13: 109–127.

Fries, A., J.P. Hutton, and P.J. Lambert 1982 “The elasticity of the U.S. individual income tax: its calculation, determinants and behaviour”, Review of Economics and Statistics 64(1): 147–151.

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1982 “Modelling the effects of income growth and discretionary change on the sensitivity of U.K. income tax revenue”, Economic Journal 92(365): 145–155.

Hillier, B., P.J. Lambert, and R.E. Turner. 1982 “Macroeconomics with non-perfect competition: a comment”, Economic Journal 92(367): 701–705.

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1982 “Simulating the revenue elasticity of an individual income tax”, Economics Letters 9(2): 175–179.

Hutton, J.P., and P.J. Lambert 1983 “Inequality and revenue elasticity in tax reform”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 30(3): 221–234.

Lambert, P.J. 1984 “Non-equiproportionate income growth, inequality and the income tax”, Public Finance/Finances Publiques 39(1): 104–118.

Lambert, P.J. 1985a “On the redistributive effect of taxes and benefits”, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 32(1): 39–54.

Lambert, P.J. 1985b “Social welfare and the Gini coefficient revisited”, Mathematical Social Sciences 9(1): 19–26.

Lambert, P.J. 1985c “Endogenizing the income distribution: the redistributive effect, and Laffer effects, of a progressive tax-benefit system”, European Journal of Political Economy 1(1): 3–20.

Lambert, P.J. 1985d “Describing the macroeconomy: the role of sticky taxes”, Studies in Economic Analysis 9(1): 17–27.

Lambert, P.J., and J.R. Suckling 1986 “The revenue elasticity of the Zimbabwean individual income tax, 1967–1981”, Zimbabwe Journal of Economics 1(3): 1–9.

Lambert, P.J. 1986 “Getting on the wrong side of the Laffer curve”, European Journal of Political Economy 2(2): 193–202.

Lambert, P.J., and W. Pfähler 1987 “Intersecting tax concentration curves and the measurement of tax progressivity: a rejoinder”, National Tax Journal 40(4): 635–638.

Dardanoni, V., and P.J. Lambert 1988 “Welfare rankings of income distributions: a role for the variance and some insights for tax reform”, Social Choice and Welfare 5: 1–17.

Lambert, P.J., and W. Pfähler 1988 “On aggregate measures of the net redistributive impact of taxation and government expenditure”, Public Finance Quarterly 16(2): 178–202.

Lambert, P.J. 1988 “Okun’s bucket: a leak and two splashes?”, Journal of Economic Studies 15(1): 71–78.

Acemoglu, D., and P.J. Lambert 1989 “Equiproportionate growth of incomes and fiscal drag”, Bulletin of Economic Research 41(4): 295–302.

Johnson, P., and P.J. Lambert 1989 “Measuring the responsiveness of income tax revenue to income growth: a review and some U.K. values”, Fiscal Studies 10(4): 1–18.

Lambert, P.J. 1990 “The equity-efficiency trade-off: Breit reconsidered”, Oxford Economic Papers 42(1): 91–104.

Hayes, K.J., P.J. Lambert, G.W. Scully, and D.J. Slottje 1990 “The equality-efficiency trade-off: an approach to measurement and some estimates for the U.S. economy”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement 16(4): 231–239.

Lambert, P.J. 1992 “Rich-to-poor income transfers reduce inequality: a generalization”, Research on Economic Inequality 2: 183–192.

Lambert, P.J. and W. Pfähler 1992 “Income tax progression and redistributive effect: the influence of changes in pre-tax income distribution”, Public Finance/Finances Publiques 47(1): 1–16.

Pfähler, W., and P.J. Lambert 1992 “Die Messung von Progressionswirkungen” [Measuring the Effects of Progression], Finanzarchiv/Public Finance Analysis 49(3): 281–374. Review article.

Driver, C., P.J. Lambert, and S. Vial 1993 “Risky production with ex ante prices: analytical and simulation results”, Bulletin of Economic Research 45(1): 59–68.

Lambert, P.J. 1993 “Evaluating impact effects of tax reforms”, Journal of Economic Surveys 7(3): 205–242.

Lambert, P.J. 1993b “Inequality reduction through the income tax”, Economica 60(239): 357–365.

Lambert, P.J. and J.R. Aronson 1993 “Inequality decomposition analysis and the Gini coefficient revisited”, Economic Journal 103(420): 1221–27.

Jenkins, S.P. and P.J. Lambert 1993 “Ranking income distributions when needs differ”, Review of Income and Wealth 39(4): 337–356. This paper won First Prize in the Kendrick Awards for the three best papers published in Review of Income and Wealth in 1993.

Lambert, P.J. 1994b “La medicíon de la progresividad con diferencias de tratamiento fiscal” [“Measuring progressivity with differences in tax treatment”, reprint in Spanish], Hacienda Publica Española 129(2): 97–103.

Aronson, J.R., P. Johnson, and P.J. Lambert 1994 “Redistributive effect and unequal income tax treatment”, Economic Journal, vol. 104(423): 262–270.

Aronson, J.R. and P.J. Lambert. 1994 “Decomposing the Gini coefficient to reveal vertical, horizontal and reranking effects of income taxation”, National Tax Journal 47(2): 273–294.

Hayes, K., P.J. Lambert, and D.J. Slottje. 1995 “Evaluating effective income tax progression”, Journal of Public Economics 56(3): 461–474.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Yitzhaki. 1995 “Equity, equality and welfare”, European Economic Review 39(3–4): 674–682.

Hitiris, T., and P.J. Lambert 1996 “Monopoly, trade and tariff redundancy”, Journal of Economic Integration 11(3): 396–420.

Lambert, P.J. and X. Ramos 1997 “Horizontal inequity and vertical redistribution”, International Tax and Public Finance 4: 25–37.

Lambert, P.J., and W. Pfähler 1997 “Market demand and income distribution: a theoretical exploration”, Bulletin of Economic Research 49(2): 137–151.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Yitzhaki 1997 “Income tax credits and exemptions”, European Journal of Political Economy 13(2): 343–351.

Jenkins, S.P., and P.J. Lambert 1997 “‘Three ‘I’s of poverty’ curves, with an analysis of U.K. poverty trends”, Oxford Economic Papers 49(3): 317–327.

Lambert, P.J., and X. Ramos 1997 “Horizontal inequity and reranking”, Research on Economic Inequality 7: 1–18.

Kakwani, N.C., and P.J. Lambert 1998 “On measuring inequity in taxation: a new approach”, European Journal of Political Economy 14(2): 369–380.

Jenkins, S.P., and P.J. Lambert 1998 “‘Three ‘I’s of poverty’ curves and poverty dominance: TIPS for poverty analysis”, Research on Economic Inequality 8: 39–56.

Jenkins, S.P., and P.J. Lambert 1998 “Ranking poverty gap distributions: further TIPs for poverty analysis”, Research on Economic Inequality 8: 31–38.

Kakwani, N.C., and P.J. Lambert 1999 “Measuring income tax discrimination”, Review of Economics and Statistics 81(1): 27–31.

Aronson, J.R., P.J. Lambert, and D.R. Trippeer 1999 “Estimates of the changing equity characteristics of the U.S. income tax with international conjectures”, Public Finance Review, vol. 27(2): 138–159.

Ok, E.A., and P.J. Lambert 1999 “On evaluating social welfare by sequential generalized Lorenz dominance”, Economics Letters 63(1): 45–53.

Fellman, J., M. Jäntti, and P. J. Lambert 1999 “Optimal tax-transfer systems and redistributive policy”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 101(1): 1–9.

Ebert, U., and P.J. Lambert 1999 “Combined income taxes and tax benefit systems”, Economic Record 75(4): 397–404.

Cubel, M., and P.J. Lambert 1999 “La inequidad horizontal puede ser algo bueno”, Revista Asturiana de Economia 15: 57–63.

Duclos, J.-Y., and P.J. Lambert 2000 “A normative and statistical approach to measuring classical horizontal inequity”, Canadian Journal of Economics 33(1): 87–113. This paper was shortlisted for the Harry Johnson Prize for the best paper published in Canadian Journal of Economics in 2000.

Bishop, J., J.P. Formby, and P.J. Lambert 2000 “Redistribution through the income tax: the vertical and horizontal effects of non-compliance and tax evasion”, Public Finance Review 28(4): 335–350.

Hoy, M., and P.J. Lambert 2000 “Genetic screening and price discrimination in insurance markets”, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory 25: 103–130.

van de Ven, J., J. Creedy and P.J. Lambert 2001 “Close equals and calculation of the vertical, horizontal and reranking effects of taxation”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 63(3): 381–394.

Dardanoni, V., and P.J. Lambert 2001 “Horizontal inequity comparisons”, Social Choice and Welfare 18: 799–816.

Cubel, M., and P.J. Lambert 2002 “Progression-neutral income tax reforms and horizontal inequity”, Journal of Economics 9 (supplement): 1–8. (Special issue entitled “Inequalities, Measurement and Applications” edited by P. Moyes, C. Seidl, and A.F. Shorrocks).

Cubel, M., and P.J. Lambert 2002a “A regional approach to income tax reform”, Public Finance Review 30(2): 124–143.

Dardanoni, V., and P.J. Lambert 2002 “Progressivity Comparisons”, Journal of Public Economics 86(1): 99–122.

Lambert, P.J., and X. Ramos 2002 “Welfare comparisons: sequential procedures for heterogeneous populations”, Economica 69(276): 549–562.

Lambert, P.J., D.L. Millimet, and D. Slottje 2003 “Inequality aversion and the natural rate of subjective inequality”, Journal of Public Economics 87(5–6): 1061–1090.

Ramos, X., and P.J. Lambert 2003 “Horizontal equity and differences in income tax treatment: a reconciliation”, Research on Economic Inequality 10: 45–63.

Lambert, P.J. 2003 “Income taxation and equity”, Baltic Journal of Economics 4(1): 5–20; 2004 “Income taxation and equity” (reprint with major corrections), Baltic Journal of Economics 4(2): 39–54.

Ebert, U., and P.J. Lambert 2004 “Horizontal equity and progression when equivalence scales are not constant”, Public Finance Review 32(4): 426–440.

Lambert, P.J., and A. Decoster 2005 “The Gini coefficient reveals more”, Metron: International Journal of Statistics 63(3): 373–400 (Special issue to celebrate the life of Corrado Gini, founding editor).

Ooghe, E., and P.J. Lambert 2006 “On bounded dominance criteria”, Mathematical Social Sciences 52(1): 15–30.

Lambert, P.J., and G. Lanza 2006 “The effect on inequality of changing one or two incomes”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 4(3): 253–277.

Millimet, D.L., D. Slottje, and P.J. Lambert 2007 “Changing poverty or changing poverty aversion?”, Research on Economic Inequality 15: 233–268.

Lambert, P.J. 2007 “Editorial: Serge Kolm’s ‘The Optimal Production of Social Justice”’, The Journal of Economic Inequality 5(2): 213–234.

Urban, I. and P.J. Lambert 2008 “Redistribution, horizontal inequity and reranking: how to measure them properly”, Public Finance Review 36(5): 563–587.

Lambert, P.J. 2008 “Tony Atkinson’s 1973 manuscript ‘More on the Measurement of Inequality’ ”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 6: 275–276.

Kim, K., and P.J. Lambert 2009 “Redistributive effect of U.S. taxes and public transfers, 1994–2004”, Public Finance Review 37(1): 3–26.

Lambert, P.J., and T.O. Thoresen 2009 “Base independence in the analysis of tax policy effects: with an application to Norway 1992–2004”, International Tax and Public Finance 16: 219–252.

Lambert, P.J., and H.T. Naughton 2009 “The equal absolute sacrifice principle revisited”, Journal of Economic Surveys 23(2): 328–349.

Lambert, P.J. 2009 “Mini-Symposium: The 1990, 1992 and 1993 papers on distributionally sensitive measures of unemployment by Manimay Sengupta and Anthony Shorrocks”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 7: 269–271.

Lambert, P.J., and F. Stähler 2009 “Foreword” to Sophie Elliott, “Why Measure Inequality? A discussion of the concept of equality”, Oxonomics 4: 32.

Essama–Nssah, B., and P.J. Lambert 2009 “Measuring pro-poorness: a unifying approach with new results”, Review of Income and Wealth 55(3): 752–778.

Esposito, L., and P.J. Lambert 2009 “A note on the Bourguignon-Fields class of poverty indices”. Journal of Public Economics 93(7–8): 852–854.

Lambert, P.J., and I. Urban 2010 “Miodrag Tomi’s 1949 article on inequalities”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 8: 121–122.

Lambert, P.J. 2010a “James Foster and Michael Wolfson’s 1992 paper ‘Polarization and the decline of the middle class”’, The Journal of Economic Inequality 8: 241–245.

Lambert, P.J. 2010b “Pro-poor growth and the lognormal distribution”, Journal of Income Distribution 19(3–4): 88–99.

Bosmans, K., L. Esposito, and P.J. Lambert 2011 “New perspectives on a more-or-less familiar poverty index”, Social Choice and Welfare 36: 241–247.

Lambert, P.J., and B. Zheng 2011 “On the consistent measurement of attainment and shortfall inequality”, Journal of Health Economics 30(1): 214–219.

Esposito, L., and P.J. Lambert 2011 “Poverty measurement: prioritarianism, sufficiency and the ‘I’s of poverty”, Economics and Philosophy (2): 109–121.

Jenkins, S.P, and P.J. Lambert 2011 “Robert Moffitt and Peter Gottschalk’s 1995 paper ‘Trends in the covariance structure of earnings in the U.S.: 1969–1987”’, The Journal of Economic Inequality 9(3): 433–437.

Lambert, P.J. 2012 “An interview with Serge–Christophe Kolm”, Social Choice and Welfare 38: 59–83.

Zoli, C. and P.J. Lambert 2012 “Sequential procedures for poverty gap dominance” Social Choice and Welfare 39: 649–673.

Dincer, O.C. and P.J. Lambert 2012 “Taking care of your own: ethnic and religious heterogeneity and income inequality”, Journal of Economic Studies 39(3): 290–313.

Lambert, P.J., R. Nesbakken, and T.O. Thoresen 2012 “Is there more redistribution in Scandinavia than in the US?”, Economics Bulletin 32(3): 2146–2154.

Lambert, P.J., and T.O. Thoresen 2012 “The inequality effects of a dual income tax system”, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 12(1): article 29. DOI: 10.1515/1935–1682.3271.

Lambert, P.J. 2012 “Lidia Ceriani and Paolo Verme’s paper 2012 ‘The origins of the Gini index: extracts from Variabilità e Mutabilità (1912) by Corrado Gini”’, The Journal of Economic Inequality 10(3): 419–420.

Essama-Nssah, B., and P.J. Lambert 2012 “Influence functions for policy impact analysis”, Research on Economic Inequality 20: 135–159.

Bø, E.E., P.J. Lambert, and T.O. Thoresen. 2012 “Horizontal equity under a dual income tax system: principles and measurement”, International Tax and Public Finance 19: 625–640.

Lambert, P.J. 2013 “Mini-Symposium on the Shapley value: The 1997 paper by Frédéric Chantreuil and Alain Trannoy, and the 1999 paper by Anthony F. Shorrocks”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 11(1): 79–82.

Groll, T., and P.J. Lambert 2013 “The pro-poorness, growth and inequality nexus: some findings from a simulation study”. Review of Income and Wealth 59(4): 776–784.

Lambert, P.J. and S. Yitzhaki 2013 “The inconsistency between measurement and policy instruments in family income taxation”, Finanzarchiv/Public Finance Analysis 69(3): 241–255.

Yitzhaki, S. and P.J. Lambert 2013a “The relationship between the absolute deviation from a quantile and Gini’s mean difference”, Metron: International Journal of Statistics 71: 97–104.

Lambert, P.J. 2013b “Book Review of Measuring Inequality”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 11(2): 275-276.

Lambert, P.J. “From the editor of Rediscovered Classics”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 11(2): 131-132.

Forster, M., D. La Torre, and P.J. Lambert 2014 “Optimal control of inequality under uncertainty”, Mathematical Social Sciences, vol. 68: 53–59.

Dugger, D. and P.J. Lambert 2014 “The 1913 paper of René Gâteaux, upon which the modern-day influence function is based”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 12(1): 149–152.

Lambert, P.J 2014 “The impact of a marginal subsidy on Gini indices: comment”, Review of Income and Wealth 60(3): 604–605.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Subramanian 2014 “Disparities in socio-economic outcomes: some positive propositions and their normative implications”, Social Choice and Welfare 43(3): 565–576.

Yitzhaki, S., and P.J. Lambert. 2014 “Is higher variance necessarily bad for investment?”, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 43(4): 855–860.

Kristjánsson, A.S., and P.J. Lambert 2015 “Structural progression measures for dual income tax systems”, The Journal of Economic Inequality 13(1): 1–15.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Yitzhaki 2015 “Accounting for variability in the growth rate of income”, Economics Letters 129: 71–73.

Aronson, J.R., P.J. Lambert, and V.J. Tremblay 2016 “The potential for short run shifting of a corporate profits tax”, Bulletin of Economic Research 68(1): 1–15.

Lambert, P.J., and S. Subramanian 2015 “Shaikh and Ragab’s ‘Incomes of the Vast Majority’: Some Additions and Extensions”, Sankhya B 77(2): 359–370.

Essama-Nssah, B., and P.J. Lambert 2016 “Counterfactual decomposition of propoorness using influence functions”. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 17(1): 74–92.



How to Cite

Creedy, J., & Subramanian, S. (2024). Introduction. Journal of Income Distribution®, 32(3-4). Retrieved from

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